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The difference in the definition of ordinary residence

Sep / 07 / 2021

Residential building has a clear definition in the “Residential Design Code” and “Residential Building Code”: a building used for family residence.

Apartments (apartmentBuilding) are not clearly defined in the current design specifications. To understand the meaning of apartments, we must first understand another concept in the real estate industry, called Multifamily Houshing.


The meaning of this concept is to have more than one residential unit (Unit), or a building with multiple residential units. Multi-family buildings can be divided into two categories. The first category is buildings with two to four residential units, which are often referred to as two to four families.


The second category is buildings with five or more residential units, which are commonly referred to as apartments. Apartment is one of the most common forms of real estate investment in commercial real estate.


It can be seen from the definition that a house is used by one family, while an apartment is usually used by multiple families or multiple people.

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